3 Modules
24 Online Lessons
21 Activities
3 Assessments

year 6 program

Year 6 is an important year as students prepare to transition to secondary school, so our program focuses on consolidating critical numeracy and literacy skills. Plus, we introduce real life skills they can use as they gain greater independence.

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About Year 6

Around age 11 kids start to realise that their decisions can have long-term  effects. They are becoming more mature in their ability to problem solve, plan and organise. This makes it a fantastic time to plant the seeds for real life money skills.

Module 1 - Manage Money

Students have built up a good understanding of fractions, percentages and integers. Now it’s time to apply it to real life and managing money.

Lesson 1: Percentages

Scaffold core Mathematics skills - percentages

Lesson 2: Percentages

Applying percentage knowledge

Lesson 3: Budgeting

Budgeting in real-life, implementing percentage learning

Lesson 4: Saving

Sensible money choices, uses of money: spending, saving and giving

Lesson 5: Become a Healthy Money Sceptic (1)

Formative assessment, make wise money choices

Lesson 6: Become a Healthy Money Sceptic (2)

Continue learning about making wise money choices

Lesson 7: Money Mindset

Introducing Money Mindset. Consolidating learning of Financial Literacy terms and concepts

Lesson 8: Putting it Together

Recap learning and summative assessment

Module 2: Investigate Money

In this module we’ll be working on practical skills -like using 24 hour time and timetables to get places and practicing our real life budgeting skills to host a birthday party with friends. We’ll also be practicing percentages, learning about inequity and where money came from.

Lesson 1: Planning and Budgeting

Scaffold core Mathematics skills: 12- and 24-hour time

Lesson 2: Planning and Budgeting

Scaffolding planning within a budget constraint

Lesson 3: Planning and Budgeting

Putting planning within a budget constraint into practice.

Lesson 4: Money Problem Solving

Solve multi-step, word money problems

Lesson 5: Money Problem Solving

Solve & create multi-step, word money problems, revise percentages

Lesson 6: Money Problem Solving

Use arithmetic skills to solve money problems

Lesson 7: Money Problem Solving

Money disparity and inequity, debating skills

Lesson 8: Currency & Assessment

History of Australian Currency, summative assessment

Module 3: Ethical Money

Our final module in Year 6 packs a lot in, across multiple curriculum areas. We explore ethical money through the lens of planning a fundraiser event for your school. The class will bring together mathematics skills, team work, budgeting, decision making and organisation skills.

Lesson 1: The Fundraiser (1)

Scaffold core Mathematics skills, percentages

Lesson 2: The Fundraiser (2)

Scaffold core Mathematics skills, equivalent fractions, percentages, decimals

Lesson 3: The Fundraiser (3)

Planning, create a basic financial plan, pricing, logistics

Lesson 4: Sustainability and Money

Ethical buying, consolidate Mathematics skills

Lesson 5: Costing

Investigate pricing and profit

Lesson 6: Advertising the Event

Power of advertising, persuasive language, planning

Lesson 7: Advertising the Event

Putting the power of advertising into practise

Lesson 8: Reflection/Assessment

Reflecting after the event and summative assessment